Sunday, June 22, 2008


So, I was browsing around a bookstore, and I found...

Fair enough...It's a dictionary of demons and devils. It's got lots of uses--Writing, Gamers, Demonists. Nothing wrong with that. But...
Take a close look at the left-hand side. As the saying goes, one of these things is not like the others...

Yeah. Martin Luther is apparently now a Demon and or Devil. Now...I wonder how that happened? I mean, unless this is a translation of a 16th century Catholic guide to the nastiest people on earth. What do you reckon? Some residual ancient Catholic prejudice? Hmmm...
I looked up the entry, but my Japanese isn't good enough to understand just what they were thinking, putting the father of the Protestant Reformation in a guide to demons. It did feature a nice picture of Old ML looking shifty eyed and nasty (I would have gotten a snap, but I was already getting nasty looks for snapping pics in the bookstore.)

I'm not even going to get into the MIB...

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